Military History Museum of the Bundeswehr

While the museum itself claims, that it does hot have a single narrative, there is no denying that there are several narratives existing. They are connected through their maintopic of war, but they are following different directions.
War Museum Kiev

Your visit Website Opening hours:Mon: closedTue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10:00-16:30Sat, Sun: 10:00-17:00 Adress:Lavrska Str., 27Kyiv, Ukraine Comparative questions What narrative is offered to the visitors? The museum narrative is centered around the idea that war is a tragedy that should be avoided at all costs. It emphasizes the importance of remembering the past, and of […]
Concentration Camp Majdanek

Your visit Website Opening hours:November-MarchMondays: Closed Tuesday-Sunday: 9am-4pmApril-OctoberMondays: Closed Tuesday-Sunday: 9am-5pm Address:Droga Męczenników Majdanka 6720-325 Lublin, Poland Comparative Questions What narrative is offered to the visitors? The relics of the camp, historical photographs, documents, and audiovisual accounts of former prisoners are displayed in the museum. Additionally, there’s an outdoor exhibition complementing the historical display. It […]
Freedom Museum Netherlands

Your visit Website Opening Hours:Monday – Saturday: 10.00-17.00Sundays and holidays: 12.00-17.00 Adress:Freedom MuseumWylerbaan 4NL 6561 KR GroesbeekThe Netherlans Comparative Questions Can you identify a narrative that is offered to the visitors? The Vrijheidsmuseum portrays a variety of narratives ranging from the 20th century to present days. It is, as is mentioned in one of the […]
Mauthausen Memorial

Your Visit Website 27.10.–28.02.Tuesday – Sunday: 09:00 to 03:45, closed on Mondays01.03.–26.10.daily 09:00 bis 17:30 AddressMauthausen MemorialErinnerungsstrasse 14310 Mauthausen, Austria Comparative Questions Can you identify a narrative that is offered to the visitors? As already mentioned, different narratives such as audio guides, iWalks and exhibitions with texts, objects and pictures/images are offered to the visitors. […]